Thursday, May 12, 2016

Old School New Body

Old School New Body

Did you know that there are steps accustomed, you must exercise and appear younger and delay the aging process early is received and experienced by many who did not Iatado to exercise aerobic exercise did not Iatado on nutrition and health is received according to the body and is recommended by doctors.

Old School New Body


 Specialized nutrition Health Man Who for Aitagzy nutrition and health is aging at a rate of 6 month increase from the old in the year every year passes you will feel you are the biggest year Did you know that 90% of people over 35 years to lose enough muscle every year and it accumulates fat and slowing the burning process and there are certain ways to move and stop the premature aging and is received and given orders to the brain of a delay aging and have it by restoring the young hormones was new, and there are five important points must be introduced for the renewal of youth and delay aging

1.low fat ratio of any we take a small percentage of our body enough fat to not accumulate in the body
2.altmarin sports
3.altoagaf to blame everything around you but must control our bodies and the challenge and insist be our goal to get rid of aging
4.avoid dehydration and drink plenty of water
5.alaml and out each day to exercise non-stop exercise increases muscle contouring and increased greaseI Aatalb for you to just buy a book to read but it is also useful and will change the course of the life of any person over 35 years

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